Trip Itinerary

Now that I know more of the details of our trip, I put together an itinerary. Of course, it may not be exact, but it will at least give you all a good idea of some of the places we will be going and the things we will be doing while in Uganda. Here is a map I customized with our flight paths:

May 26th: Flight from Atlanta, GA to London, England

May 27th: 11 hour layover in London; sightseeing. Then flight from London to Uganda.

May 28th: Arrive in Uganda; go to guesthouse in Kampala.

May 28th-June 8th: (Not sure of the order) but here are some of the things we will be doing:

Giving out much needed mosquito nets, holding hygiene clinics to train people how to clean their water jugs, dedicating a new well that will be providing clean water for hundreds of people, we will be holding fun filled game days in orphanages, volunteering in a baby orphanage (Loving Hearts Baby Home), building a structure for the local Church to meet in, visiting the Nile River, Amazima Ministries and much more!

June 9th: Leave Uganda, Flight to London; 24 hour layover in London.

June 10th: Flight from London to Atlanta, GA

2 weeks until departure!!!

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